Plethysm and lattice point counting

This is the supplementary page for "Plethysm and lattice point counting" (arXiv:1408.5708) by Thomas Kahle and Mateusz Michalek.

To download all result files as one 18MB tar.bz2 file click here.

Partitions of 3

Partition File No. of chambers Size in kB
111 111.qpoly 7 1.7
21 21.qpoly 10 1.4
3 3.qpoly 10 1.9

Partitions of 4

Partition File (bz2 zipped) No. of chambers Size in kB (bz2)
1111 1111.qpoly.bz2 141 4.7
211 211.qpoly.bz2 142 3.8
22 22.qpoly.bz2 63 2.2
31 31.qpoly.bz2 146 3.7
4 4.qpoly.bz2 145 4.7

Partitions of 5

Partition File (bz2 zipped) No. of chambers Size in MB (bz2)
11111 11111.qpoly.bz2 1776 3.6
2111 2111.qpoly.bz2 1800 3.4
221 221.qpoly.bz2 768 1.2
311 311.qpoly.bz2 1665 0.3
32 32.qpoly.bz2 768 1.2
41 41.qpoly.bz2 1803 3.4
5 5.qpoly.bz2 1775 3.6


All source code with explanations on how to reproduce the results can be downloaded here (25MB tar.bz2 archive). See the included README files and the supplementary material in the arXiv version of the paper.

(c) Thomas Kahle and Mateusz Michalek - 04 Sep 2023